Check In on arrival
- PIA15+HRIGI15 will take place in a lecture hall (Theresianum) close to Theresienstrasse
- We would like to ask you to visit the REGISTRATION DESK and to pick up your badge and conference set.
- is located in front of the lecture hall, see [ map ]
- will be open on Wednesday morning (2015-MARCH-25) from 08:00.
- Payments for new registrations and open payments can be accepted in cash (Euro) only.
Oral presentation
- Speakers will find their time slot for the presentation in the
[ Final Program ]
- Please, copy your presentation (PowerPoint, PDF or IMPRESS) on CD/DVD or USB stick.
- Presentations have to be uploaded at the UPLOAD DESK in front of the lecture hall, see [ map ]
- Presentations should be uploaded latest 1 hour before the session starts.
- The UPLOAD DESK is open Wednesday and Thursday from 08:00 to 15:00 and on Friday from 08:00 to 10:00.
- A conference notebook is used for all presentations.
- The following software will be available: Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.0, Microsoft Powerpoint 2013, LibreOffice Impress 4
- If you are using video in your presentation, please check for the correct video codec after the upload at the UPLOAD DESK
- Please, contact the session chair before the sessions start.
- The time slot for an oral presentation is 18 min.
- Additionally, 3 min. are allocated for discussion.
Interactive Presentation (Poster)
- Preparation of a poster:
- Size of poster boards : width: 120 cm, height:180 cm
- Recommended size for a poster: DIN A0 (portrait) 841 mm x 1189 mm
- Poster presenters will find their POSTER ID in the
[ Final Program ]
- Please, hand in your poster at the REGISTRATION DESK with your POSTER ID and name on arrival (at latest 12:30 on presentation day).
- The poster session will be prepared by the LOC in room 0120 (Session 4 and 10) and Vorhoelzer Forum (Session 6).
- At least one author of each poster should be available at the poster for interactive presentations during the poster session.
- Removed posters can be picked up on Thursday and Friday during the coffee break or after the closing at the REGISTRATION DESK.